Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Hurricane Damage?

Few people enjoy dealing with situations requiring insurance. However, knowing what is covered under your insurance helps you avoid a lot of confusion and extra expenses. Be prepared for disaster by knowing whether or not your homeowners insurance covers hurricane damage.

Homeowners Insurance and Hurricanes

Homeowners insurance varies from state to state. In some states, homeowners insurance provides umbrella protection over any storm-related damage, including wind, flood, hail, rain, etc. However, in states where hurricanes occur on a fairly regular basis, you may need to take a few extra steps.

Since hurricanes are a common occurrence in Florida, many insurance providers require homeowners to pay for a separate named hurricane deductible. In other words, if a normal storm occurs, your home is covered by regular storm insurance. However, if a hurricane has been named (e.g. Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sally), then you will have to pay a separate deductible before your insurance provider pays the remainder of the damage.

Additionally, your homeowners insurance might pay for wind damage from a hurricane, but not pay for the separate issue of water damage from flooding. For this reason, it is extremely important that you know the specifics of your homeowners insurance before disaster strikes. If your home falls victim to wind or water damage, you will have enough on your plate without trying to figure out what’s covered under your insurance.

Who Helps You Sort Out Your Insurance?

After a hurricane (or another large storm) occurs, it is important to schedule a professional storm damage assessment. An assessment team not only determines the extent and cause of your home’s damage, but it will help you settle disputes with your insurance company.

Remember, it is important to keep track of your valuables so the full extent of repair costs can be determined. If you know a storm is coming, take detailed pictures of your entire home, including in drawers and cabinets. Immediately after the storm passes, take pictures of the damage. The more pictures you have, the more evidence you can present to your insurance provider.

What Qualifies as a Hurricane?

One more note: the definition of a “hurricane” changes depending on what state you live in, so make sure you and your insurance provider are on the same page regarding both terms and coverage. Don’t be afraid to ask plenty of questions. It’s better to ask now than later!

What is Our Mission?

Disaster Management Recovery Group is here to assess your storm damage and determine the next step. If you need a roofing evaluation or have suffered exterior damage due to storms or other natural disasters, contact us and schedule a storm damage evaluation and start on the road to recovery.